Whether you are looking for advice overseeing your 401(k) plan's investment menu, or are seeking a consultant to help you run your committee or trustee-directed pool of investments (Defined Benefit / Profit Sharing / Money Purchase / Trusts), North Pier can help.

North Pier employs a proprietary manager search and monitoring process that has proven highly effective since its inception in 2001. Distinct from most consulting organizations that merely interpret static data provided to them by third parties, North Pier dynamically interfaces with our platforms conducting our analysis in-house. By not solely relying on a third party's datasets, North Pier is able to overcome the pitfalls that are pervasive in many third party vendors' solutions. Further, our approach gives us the ability to customize our analytics to align precisely with each client's investment policy and philosophical views.

Our leading-edge quantitative analysis is reinforced with a robust qualitative regiment. Our Partners conduct direct interviews with all portfolio management teams (or their liaisons if appropriate) as part of our initial and ongoing due diligence regiment. Utilized managers on watch are interviewed on at least a quarterly basis; those conforming to clients' investment policies are interviewed every two to three quarters.

Retirement Plan Investments:
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